Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC)
What does AMC stands for or what do mean by AMC?
The acronym AMC stands for Annual Maintenance Contract.
What then is an Annual Maintenance Contract?
It is, simply put, a written and signed/sealed agreement between two or more persons or organizations for the purposes of carrying out maintenance services and other related services for a period of one year or any other period of time and frequency as agreed by parties involved.
Just as you have a legal agreement between a firm of lawyer(s) and their clients for legal services/representation, an AMC is a maintenance agreement between a maintenance services provider(s) and persons or organizations requiring the services which the service provider(s) offers.
Who needs an AMC?
What are the types of Annual Maintenance Contract?
What equipment or services can be covered by an Annual Maintenance Contract?
What are the advantages or disadvantages of an Annual maintenance contract?
What are the benefits of an annual maintenance contract to the client?
We will look at all the above questions shortly.
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